Markets and market development
The first market developed in the mid-90s while the first variety was registered in France. At the end of the 90s HYBNOS 1 was the first hybrid wheat variety listed in Germany.
Step by step hybrid wheat has been conquering the market. Up to now, hybrid wheat has been successfully cultivated on several million hectares throughout Europe.
SAATEN-UNION is the only supplier of commercial hybrid wheat varieties in the world. All hybrid wheat varieties on offer are based on the production technology of SAATEN-UNION. The technology is based on the chemical hybridizing agent (CHA; Croisor® 100) which is used for chemical sterilisation in the hybrid seed wheat production.
Hybrid Wheat - An International Crop

The European winter wheat market requires well adapted high-performing varieties. The hybrid wheat varieties of the SAATEN-UNION meet this challenge.
Two plant breeding stations, one in France and another one in Germany, are providing varieties which can fulfil the market demands. The resulting versatile portfolio of varieties enables Europe-wide marketing.Varieties are available ranging from very early to late maturity as well as in different quality groups. Marketing and sales activities are mainly coordinated by SAATEN-UNION and Rapool subsidiaries. Furthermore, SAATEN-UNION cooperates with strong partners like Elsoms Seeds in the United Kingdom, Rv Venturoli in Italy or Semillas Fitó in Spain.
Core markets at the moment are France, Hungary, Italy, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Germany. In these countries hybrid wheat is an established product. Expertise in the cultivation of hybrid wheat was enhanced by customer-oriented support. The result speaks for itself: An innovative and successful crop production system based on hybrid wheat.In other countries such as the Baltics or Romania or CIS-countries like Belarus or Ukraine winter wheat is under development. Hybrid wheat is an innovative product. SAATEN-UNION will use this potential to exand potential markets.
SAATEN-UNION is convinced that hybrid cereals are of major interest. Equipped with its current technological edge, it deploys all of its know-how to explore the paths leading to the hybrid wheat of tomorrow.