MyRye - Marketing & Processing
Animal feed without restriction – higher efficiency in pig fattening

In many aspects rye is the most efficient crop of all cereals: Water, nutrient as well as cost efficiency are just a few examples. Results of a joint venture with the University of Leeds prove that rye is ideally suited to improve fattening efficiency. Fenja Luhmann, SAATEN-UNION, and Dr. Wilke Griep, SALVANA TIERNAHRUNG report about it.
Feed ration planning with cereals – what is important?

After the harvest the use of feed supplies and the need of supplementary feedstuff for pig feeding have to be carefully evaluated in order to use the existing resources “cereal harvest” and “stocking rate” effectively. An animal feed calculator can be a sensible planning support.
Healthy and happier pigs due to fibre?

In human nutrition it is often discussed that a wholesome and fibre-rich diet containing a good mixture of our natural dietary diversity is the best way to stay healthy and feel well. Does it also apply to pigs? An article by Dr. Wilke Griep.
Feeding nutrient reduced with rye

More than ever pig production is influenced by social demands for more animal welfare, less emissions and nutrient losses into the environment. Thus, for better social acceptance changes – in feeding systems – are necessary. But of course without limiting profitability. “Feed more rye”, demands Dr. Wilke Griep.
Wholecrop silage: When is wholecrop rye silage worthwhile?

After the forage maize harvest in the year 2018 many farms had to face the fact that they could not secure their forage supply. Apart from low yields extremely variable qualities had an effect on cattle feeding. Therefore, the issue of wholecrop cereal silage, especially with hybrid rye, received again more attention. In the framework of the MyRye project Fenja Asmussen investigates into the question when wholecrop rye is worthwhile!